Donner und Blitzen: Die wahre Geschichte

All die anderen Rentiere mögen ja Rudolph ausgelacht und beschimpft haben; aber was ist mit den komischen Namen Donner und Blitzen? Donner und Blitzen, wie auch Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet und Cupid wurden alle vom amerikanischen Schriftsteller Clement Clarke Moore in seinem Gedicht “The Night Before Christmas” aus dem Jahre 1823 benannt. Der Dichter … Read more

Donner y Blitzen: La verdadera historia

Puede que todos los renos se hayan reído y burlado de Rudolph (Rodolfo), pero ¿qué hay de los extraños nombres de Donner y Blitzen (Trueno y Relámpago)? Donner y Blitzen, junto con Dasher (Brioso), Dancer (Bailarín), Prancer (Santarín), Vixen (Bromista), Comet (Cometa) y Cupid (Cupido), recibieron sus nombres del escritor norteamericano Clement Clarke Moore en … Read more

Donner en Blitzen: Het Echte Verhaal

Alle rendieren kunnen wel hebben gelachen en Rudolf belachelijk hebben gemaakt, maar hoe zit het met de vreemde namen van Donner en Blitzen? Donner en Blitzen, samen met Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet en Cupid, werden allen benoemd door de Amerikaanse schrijver Clement Clarke Moore in zijn gedicht uit 1823 ‘De Nacht voor Kerstmis’. Oorspronkelijk … Read more

Donner e Blitzen: A Verdadeira História

Todas as renas podem ter rido e zombado de Rudolph, mas e os nomes estranhos de Donner e Blitzen? Donner e Blitzen, juntamente com Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet e Cupid, foram todos nomeados pelo escritor americano Clement Clarke Moore em seu poema de 1823, “The Night Before Christmas” (Véspera de Natal). E o poeta … Read more

Donner e Blitzen: la vera storia

Secondo il popolare racconto natalizio, tutte le renne di Babbo Natale all’inizio ridevano di Rudolph e lo prendevano in giro, ma da dove arrivano gli strani nomi di Donner e Blitzen? I nomi di Donner e Blitzen, insieme a quelli di Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet e Cupid, furono inventati dallo scrittore americano Clement Clarke … Read more

How to Talk About Football in 20+ Languages

No matter whether you call it football or soccer, there’s no denying that association football is one of the most popular sports in the world. In fact, with an estimated 250 million active players in over 200 countries, it might just be the most popular sport around the globe. That means, no matter where you … Read more

Donner and Blitzen: The Real Story

All the reindeer may have laughed and called Rudolph names, but what about the strange names of Donner and Blitzen? Donner and Blitzen, together with Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, and Cupid, were all named by American writer Clement Clarke Moore in his 1823 poem, ‘The Night Before Christmas’. And the poet originally gave Donner … Read more

10 Famous Faces Who Speak Other Languages

We’ve posted previously about movie and sport stars who speak other languages. But it turns out they’re not the only famous linguists, so here are a few more. Prepare to be impressed… Audrey Hepburn There was much more to the star of Roman Holiday and Breakfast at Tiffany’s than her movie career. Audrey Hepburn was well known for … Read more

The Language of Chocolate

Ah chocolate, that little sinful delight that you can pretty much find in every corner of the globe. Eat it, drink it, wear it or even play with it, you simply can’t get away from it. Since it’s National Chocolate Week I was curious to find out where the word ‘chocolate’ actually comes from. Unfortunately … Read more

Are you a language geek?

We’re proud to be language geeks here at EuroTalk, but we know we’re not the only ones! Here’s your opportunity to show us what you know… Can you get 100%? And more importantly, can you beat your friends? 😉 (By the way, if you want to cheat on any of the questions, the words we’ve used … Read more